BB2407 : Say The Word

Thursday 22nd February 2024

Do you remember the Beatles song from the
Rubber Soul album?

Say the word and you'll be free

Say the word and be like me

Say the word I'm thinking of

Have you heard the word is: ??????

Well, what is the Word?

Click for The Word

The word you don’t want to hear when Bryan is with you is “Interesting”.  From anyone else, it generally means something to look forward to.  If it’s Bryan, for lesser mortals the opposite might be the case.

His route started from Coniston and headed up the Coppermines Valley.  We might well have used that word in its conventional sense about the scenery- the remains of the mining industry with the Old Man of Coniston and his pals as the backdrop.

And also about the Herdwicks parading for us.

So far, Bryan hadn’t used that word. He just said that we were following the way that he had taken a group recently.

Leaving the valley and heading up Hole Rake was simple- I remembered it as the first leg of the easy way to climb Wetherlam and it held no terrors as long you didn't venture too far into the caves created from the old mining activity.

Lunch stop, after the col, was very relaxed, if a little late for Tony.  It was after we restarted that we heard that word.  Interesting.  High above Tilberthwaite Gill, the drop to the left of the traverse was somewhere between a right good mauling and instant death.  To be fair, the path was reasonably wide and (mostly) in good condition with a few awkward rocky bits to negotiate where streams were starting to tumble down in the gorge.  I just don’t like traverses.  They don't seem to bother Robin and Martin.

Once past the terror, or so I thought, we turned off the main path to head back alongside Goat's Crag towards Coniston.  Bryan then confessed that this was a route that he had not used before but wasn’t it “interesting"?  Well, it was much the same as before except that the crossing of tumbling becks proved even more challenging as very awkward rocks had to be negotiated.

Fortunately, we all survived the ordeal and made it safely down to the valley.  Tony then had a different type of “interesting” suggestion but that was put on hold.  Instead we headed away from Coniston to Glen Mary Bridge then up to Tarn Hows Cottage.  

The winding trail down to Boon Crag Farm was interesting in the conventional sense with a fine view down the length of Coniston Water.

We emerged at the head of the lake and set off back towards the town.  It was then that Tony reverted to his idea of “Interesting”, singing:

Say the word and you'll be free

Say the word and be like me

Say the word I'm thinking of

Have you heard the word is …..

Yes of course we had heard the word he sang about.  You don't need me to tell you other than it was duly supplied at the Black Bull.  Very interesting.

Don, Thursday 22nd February 2024.


Bonus Pictures From Tony



Martin, Bryan, Tony, Don, Robin


Map:  OS 1:50k



BB2407 : Say The Word


Thursday 22nd February 2024


Hole Rake, Goat's Crag

Distance in miles:


Height climbed in feet:


GPX track:



Bryan, Don, Martin, Robin, Tony

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