BB2301 : Come Away, Come Away with William Tell

4th January 2023

What comes into your mind when you hear the final movement of Rossini's William Tell Overture?  Could it be that you have a not dissimilar reaction to that of the father illustrated by Dave Berg in Mad Magazine in the 1960s?

Those a little older may recall its more appropriate usage on television, namely as the theme music for ITV's "The Adventures of William Tell".  If you click on the picture below, you can see Conrad Phillips in action whilst David Whitfield sings the stirring anthem:

Come away, come away
with William Tell

Come away to the land
he loved so well

What a day, what a day
when the apple fell

For Tell and Switzerland

What, I can hear you thinking, has that got to do with the dawn of 2023?  The answer is simple.  In recent times, we have celebrated having survived another BOOTboy year by visiting the Holmescales Adventure Centre, first for axe throwing and then for archery - proper bows and arrows- Robin Hood style.  This year we tried the continental version- the crossbow. 

Lots were drawn for the warring sides.  I suppose we could have called them by exciting names like The Terrible Tellers or the Applebusters but Reds and Blues seemed to suffice.  The Blues had no hesitation in naming Martin as their leader. Likewise, we Reds appointed Chris by acclaim, such had been his prowess in previous affrays.

Ryan took us through our training session.  Fortunately, there were no little boys with apples on their heads, just a conventional target.  The first thing I noticed was how much easier it is to hold the crossbow compared to the longbow.  It is more compact, lighter and fits comfortably into the shoulder.  It also seemed to produce a superior degree of accuracy.  However, and this is why the archers dressed in Kendal green were able to defeat the French at Agincourt, it takes an awful lot longer to load.

The first round was won comfortably by the Blues.  Stuart in particular posting a very impressive score of 48 to which he attributed the fact that he has only one good eye.  John Hn had the second best figures, delighting in his competition name of Jonny to avoid confusion with John PL.  You never know, the name might stick.

However, the Red's very own King of the Arrows, Tony, started to come good and was top scorer in the next two rounds (53 and 49), both of which were won by his team.

Just as we thought we were getting good, Ryan had a trick up his sleeve.  For the fourth and final round, the big target was changed to three tiny ones.

Each bowman had four arrows of which one should land one in each target plus one to spare if needed.  It didn't seem to make any difference to Tony who comfortably topped that round as well with 50.  The Blues didn't put up much resistance and the Red's winning margin increased significantly to gain an overall victory of 661 points to 580.

The final stage was the single arrow shoot-off between the five top bowmen, namely Jonny (123), Don (136), Chris (137), Stuart (159) and Tony (182).  The smart money was, of course, on Tony.  However at the key moment his consistency deserted him and it was Stuart who took the glory which was a fitting reward as he had been the Blue's top performer in every round.

Peace was restored over lunch at the Holmescales Conference Centre.  The key question under debate was where and in what format should hostilities be recommenced next year.  Meanwhile we have a BOOTboy year to which to look forward, one in which some of us have some very specific targets in sight.

Come away, come away, with the BOOT boys now
 Come away, come away, we'll tell you how
We'll finish the round of Wainwright fells
And m-a-a-a-a-ny more as well!

Don, Wednesday 4th January 2023
Thanks to Tony for several of the photos


REDS:  Pete, Chris, Stephen, Don, Tony         BLUES:  Martin, Stuart, Terry, Jonny, John


Come away, come away
with William Tell

Come away to the land
he loved so well

What a day, what a day
when the apple fell

For Tell
and Switzerland


Come away with Tell
to the mountainside

Looking down to the pass
where the tyrants ride

Set a bolt to your bow
and down they go

For Tell
and Switzerland


We are simple
peasant folk

We will not fell
a foreign yoke

Our freedom song
will echo on

We'll fight
for what is right.


Hurry on, hurry on
there's a pungent cell

Hurry on, hurry on
there's a noose as well

What we must face
from the jaws of hell

For Tell
and Switzerland.


We lived our lives,
we loved our friends

We never
wanted more

We had the skill
to plough and till

But not
the art of war


But now the tyrant
from the plains

Steals up
to take our lands.

Instead of spade
we wield the blade

Our life
is in our hands


Follow on, follow on
with the leaders feel

With a thrust of a pike
and a clash of steel

Follow on with the fight
till the tyrants reel

For Tell
and Switzerland


Give e'm one for the day
they burned the grain

Give e'm two
for the night
that Fritz was slain

Give 'em three,
Give 'em four
and hooray for more

For Tell
and Switzerland


The shepherd's crook,
the reaping hook

Has taken on
a warlike look

With blades we've beaten
from the plough

We reap
a harvest now.


Come away, come away
with William Tell,

Come away to the land
he loved so well

Fit a bolt to your bow,
and away we go

For Te-e-e-ell,
and Switzerland.

BOOTboys 2022 End of Year Report

At first sight, the stats for the year make strange reading.  You would think that, with the major Covid scares behind us, 2022 would have seen us pushing further and higher, reaching back to the levels of the 20-teens but not so.  In fact, the total mileage of 263 is the lowest since the year that statistics started being kept (2006) and the average miles per qualifying event is the lowest ever at 8.0.

The total height climbed, 53,390 feet, is only just a touch more than 2011- the year in which I had my stroke.  The average of 1,618 beats only that year and 2020 which of course was in the midst of the pandemic.

The total number of participants, 25, looks pretty good but once you make adjustments in respect of TV Mike’s invitees for his Wainwright completion, the underlying numbers are below the long term average.

Stan and I were supposed to have completed our latest Wainwright round but in the event fell 5½ short, something that we must rectify as early as possible in 2023.

What went wrong?  Did weather play a part?  Possibly but looking back it doesn’t feel that way.  Sadly, I think we can only put it down to one main factor.  We ain’t getting any younger.  Some who were regulars now find the going difficult.  Actually I think we all find the going more difficult but some are finding that their limbs go on strike more often than others.

If you want a quick reminder of our 2022 adventures, click on BB22index .

Let’s hope that one way or another we can all enjoy what will be our 20th BOOTboys year. 

Happy 2023 to all.


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